Friday, August 21, 2020

Crown, Cork and Seal in 1989

Crown, Cork and Seal in 1989 Presentation Crown, Cork and Seal Company was one of the metal can enterprises that commanded the United States advertise in 1989. It had a piece of the pie of seven percent in the metal can enterprises with Avery as the Crown’s new CEO who was resolved to change industry outlook.Advertising We will compose a custom evaluation test on Crown, Cork and Seal in 1989 explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More The five-power examination of ventures decides the engaging quality of a market dependent on serious force where appeal in the five-power investigation of businesses alludes to the industry’s gainfulness. Danger of new contenders Industries with high gainfulness will in general draw in numerous new firms that target yielding exceptional yields for their speculations. The new firms that go into the market decrease gainfulness for all organizations in the business, which prompts immaculate rivalry. The metal compartment industry in United States spoke to sixt y one percent of bundled items in 1989. The nearness of a huge piece of the pie pulled in numerous organizations in the business as a result of gainfulness, which was obvious in the market. The metal can industry was overwhelmed by five significant firms, which had an enormous piece of the overall industry whose equalization was being served by in excess of a hundred firms. This prompted high rivalry in evaluating which came about to diminish in working edges for Crown Company and different firms in the business. Danger of substitute items The danger is brought about by presence of different items that can substitute the basic items in the business. The danger of substitute items implies that clients may favor elective items rather than the regular items. The metal compartment industry in 1989 had the danger of substitute items, which split its piece of the pie. Glass and plastic holders were the substitute items and they had a piece of the pie of thirty nine percent. Nonattendance of substitute items would imply that metal can industry would have a hundred percent of market share.Advertising Looking for appraisal on business financial aspects? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Bargaining intensity of purchasers The dealing intensity of purchasers or clients will in general weight firms in value changes, which might be because of purchaser volume or accessibility of substitute items in the business. The power of the dealing intensity of clients influenced firms in the metal can industry. This is on the grounds that clients just as the purchasers through cut-all together sizes, which prompted low productivity, rebuffed firms with uncompetitive costs (Bradley 2005, p.53). The bartering intensity of clients in the metal can industry prompted serious evaluating and firms empowered huge requests by offering enormous limits to clients. The organizations in the business yielded to clients bartering power by givin g huge limits with the point of securing their piece of the overall industry. Serious contention Every industry has seriousness, which is controlled by firms with similar items inside the business. Because of rivalry in the business, Crown, Cork and Seal Company chose to increase upper hand by having new advancements and advancements to build up their product offering. This helped the firm to increase an incredible upper hand over different firms by meeting the customer’s needs in a more advantageous manner than different firms in the business meet. Bartering intensity of providers Industries depend on providers who gracefully them with work, crude materials, administrations and different segments. Providers may charge significant expenses to the organizations if there are hardly any substitutes. The fundamental providers of the Crown Company were aluminum and steel makers. Aluminum had the biggest piece of the overall industry however steel had a bit of leeway over aluminum in light of its price.Advertising We will compose a custom appraisal test on Crown, Cork and Seal in 1989 explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Conclusion The metal compartment industry in 1989 was portrayed by the five-power examination of businesses. The significant dangers that influenced Crown, Cork and Seal Company were accessibility of substitute bundling materials like glass and plastic substitutes. There was likewise a danger in the business, which was brought about by in house production of metal jars by brewers and food makers. Reference Bradley, S., 2005. Crown, Cork Seal in 1989. Harvard: Harvard UP.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Best Guided Meditation You Will Ever Need For A Fulfilled Life

Best Guided Meditation You Will Ever Need For A Fulfilled Life The rates of depression and anxiety all over the world are rising tremendously.This was confirmed by a professor of wellbeing at Warwick University. “Things are noting going completely well with this society of ours” he said.And he is right, if you take a moment to think about it, you would figure that most people are really not happy.We are constantly busy and working all day long such that we stress ourselves out completely, and this affects our body and mind.And the worst part of all this is that we can’t really not work, somehow, we just have to get on with our daily activity because our lives kind of depend on it.So how do we manage our stressful daily life and still manage to keep our body and mind in perfect condition? How do we manage the stress, anxiety and probably depression that we face every day?Research has shown that meditation can help us with all this.In the journal of psychiatry research, Georgetown University Medical center, researchers said people who practi ced meditation had sharply reduced stress hormone and inflammatory responses to a stressful situation, while those who took non meditation stress management courses had poor responses.This comes to show that meditation is one of the best coping mechanisms that exists for today’s stressful environment.There are different types of meditation, but first, what is meditation?WHAT IS MEDITATION?M?dit?ti?n i? an ?n?i?nt practice th?t i? believed t? have ?rigin?t?d from India several th?u??nd? ?f years ago. Thr?ugh?ut early history, th? practice w?? ?d??t?d b? n?ighb?ring ??untri?? qui?kl? ?nd formed a part ?f m?n? r?ligi?n? throughout the w?rld.The terminology u??d today to “meditate” w?? n?t introduced until the 12th ??ntur? AD, ??ming fr?m the L?tin w?rd “m?dit?tum”.M?dit?ti?n is ??id t? b? a ?r??ti?? wh?r? an individu?l f??u??? th?ir mind on a particular ?bj??t, th?ught or activity to achieve a mentally ?l??r ?nd ?m?ti?n?ll? ??lm state.M?dit?ti?n m?? be u??d to r?du?? ?tr???, ?nxi?t?, d??r???i?n, ?nd ??in as a ?tud? th?t w?? published b? a d??t?r Goyal M in 2014 tells us (Meditation Programs for Psychological Stress and Well-being: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis). It may b? d?n? whil? ?itting, r????ting a m?ntr?, and ?l??ing th? eyes in a qui?t ?nvir?nm?nt.Meditation t??hniqu?? have also b??n u??d by W??t?rn th??ri?? of ??un??ling and psychotherapy. R?l?x?ti?n training works toward ??hi?ving m?nt?l ?nd mu??l? r?l?x?ti?n t? reduce d?il? stresses.WH? D? W? EVEN B?TH?R T? M?DIT?T??Th? b?n?fit? of meditation ?r??ti??? ?r? n? ???r?t.The ?r??ti?? i? ?ft?n touted ?? a h?bit of highl? ?u?????ful (and h????) ????l?, recommended as a m??n? of coping with ?tr??? ?nd anxiety, and ?r?i??d ?? th? next-big-thing in mainstream w?lln???. And it’? not ju?t subjective. Th?u??nd? ?f studies have ?h?wn th? positive impact th?t m?dit?ting has ?n our h??lth and well-being.S? we ??uld ?l??? better: Sleep i?n’t just r?l?x?ti?n f?r eight h?ur? a dayâ€"it’s ????nti?l f?r ?ur ??gnitiv? functioning. M?dit?ti?n giv?? you all ??rt? ?f benefits, like ?nh?n??d REM ?l??? ?nd in?r????d levels of m?l?t?nin.H?l?? r?du?? ?tr???: A 2005 ?tud? ?t H?rv?rd M?di??l S?h??l found that m?dit?ti?n increases th? thi?kn??? ?f your ?r?fr?nt?l cortex, the area of your br?in ?????i?t?d with ?tt?nti?n ?nd ??lf-?w?r?n???, th?r?b? reducing ?tr???.S?lf-?w?r?n??? r??ulting t? Mindful Meals: R????r?h?r? ?t UC S?n Fr?n?i??? ?tudi?d a gr?u? of w?m?n to t??t if m?dit?ting ??uld ?r?v?nt ?v?r??ting. Th? scientists didn’t ?r???rib? any di?t, but in?t??d taught mindful ??ting, ?nd had participants m?dit?t? for thirt? minut?? a day. Results ?h?w?d th?? didn’t over eat ?ft?r m?dit?ti?n.R?du?? P?in ?nd H??l F??t?r: R?li?v? Pain b? Ch?nging Your Mind, Jon Kabat-Zinn, wh? h??d? up th? Center f?r Mindfuln??? in M?di?in? ?t Univ?r?it? ?f M?????hu??tt? M?di??l School, ?r?v?d b??k in the ‘80s that m?dit?ti?n ?nd mindfuln??? ??uld ?ignifi??ntl? improve pain ??m?t?m? and qu?lit? ?f lif? in ?hr?ni? ??in ??ti?nt?, ?v?n u? to f?ur ???r? l?t?r.So w? ??uld b??t anxiety: F??u?ing ?n ?ll th? t?rribl? thing? th?t might h????n t? u? but ?ft?n d?n’t! takes u? ?w?? fr?m th? ?r???nt, ?nd ??u??? our b?di?? a lot ?f stress. M?di?ti?n h?l?? t? r?du?? that thinking ?nd bring calmness.A COUPLE OF THINGS TO CONSIDER WHEN MEDITATING Meditation is ?n art ?nd doing it requires ?kill.On?? ??u ??n learn it, it will start t? d?liv?r b?n?fit? t? ??ur mind ?nd b?d?. B?ing ?tr??? fr??, r?l?x?d ?nd happy ?b?ut ??ur??lf ?r? ?m?ng the benefits meditation ??n giv? ??u.But it d???n’t come th?t easy b???u?? it is diffi?ult to find f??u? during th? first stages ?f the learning process.On? ?f th? m?in ?ur????? of meditation i? t? find ????? with ??ur inn?r ??lf.When ??u d??id? t? ?r??ti?? thi? ?rt, h?r? ?r? ??m? f??t?r? that ??u should consider t? m?k? m?dit?ti?n easier for ??u:Assume th? ??rr??t ???tur?Posture is a very important thing th?t ??u should t?k? into consideration wh?n you m?dit?t?. It wouldn’t m?tt?r wh?th?r you sit ?n a chair ?r ?t?? ?r???-l?gg?d ?n th? floor wh?n you meditate.The im??rt?nt thing i? t? see to it that ??u ?r? relaxed with ??ur ??in? u?right ?nd ??ur h??d up.Do thi? with a th?ught that your head i? t?u?hing th? ?k?.M?dit?t? with ??ur eyes openA? a b?ginn?r, m?dit?ting with ??ur ???? ???n will ?ll?w ??u to b? m?r? ?w?r? of ??ur “?r???n??.”Your mind is m?r? likely t? drift ?w?? wh?n you m?dit?t? with ??ur ???? ?l???d. But if ??u feel th?t ?l??ing ??ur ???? while meditating i? m?r? effective for ??u, do it.Focus on ??ur ?r???n??G?tting f??u??d ?n ?ur??lv?? i? difficult to achieve in ?rdin?r? ?ir?um?t?n???.Wh?n m?dit?ting, you have t? ??? ?l??? ??t soft ?tt?nti?n t? th? part ?f ??ur b?ing which i? th? ??nt?r of ??ur awareness.For a ?t?rt, f??u? first ?n ??ur br??thing ?nd ?l?wl? ?hift ??ur consciousness to th? ??rt? ?f ??ur b?d? starting fr?m the f??t gr?du?ll? m?ving u?w?rd.C?unt your br??th t? ?t?? f??u??dS?ttling in a m?dit?tiv? mood i? di ffi?ult for ?t?rt?r?.In ?rd?r t? overcome the difficulty of crossing over t? th? meditative ?t?t?, tr? ??unting ??ur br??th in silence, fr?m one t? four again ?nd again.Thi? will h?l? you t? ?t?? f??u??d.D?n’t l?t ?m?ti?n? get in th? wayStrong ?m?ti?n? will k??? ??u ?truggling if ??u want t? m?dit?t?. L?t ??ur ?wn ??n??i?u?n??? ?r?v?nt ??ur mind fr?m ling?ring on th?ught? th?t trigg?r ?m?ti?n? ?u?h ?? ?ng?r, f??r ?nd ?h?m?.Let your ?r???nt moment be ???nt ?n f??u?ing solely ?n yourself.F??u? instead on th? ??rt? ?f your body th?t r???t? ?? ??u feel the ?m?ti?n, lik? th? ?qu??zing feeling you f??l ?n ??ur ?h??t when ??u g?t ?ngr?.M?dit?t? in ?il?n??Sil?n?? i? th? h??ling f??t?r that accompanies m?dit?ti?n. You ??nn?t fully relate with ??ur inn?r ??lf if you are di?tr??t?d by outer f??t?r?. Sil?n?? i? th? ??nditi?n th?t reconciles ??ur inn?r ?nd ?ut?r self.WH? IS M?DIT?TI?N M??NT FOR?Th? ?im?l? ?n?w?r i? th?t ?n?b?d? can m?dit?t?, m?dit?ti?n might have b??n l?ng attributed t? spirit uality, but ?n? doesn’t need to be ??iritu?l b?f?r? h? or ?h? can m?dit?t?.S?x, age, n?ti?n?lit?, r?ligi?n, previous ?x??ri?n??, ???i?l conditioning, g?n?ti? m?k?u? â€" these ?r? all unim??rt?nt. An??n? ??n l??rn t? m?dit?t?. You d?n’t h?v? to travel to the Him?l????, give u? ?ll your money, find a guru, ?r spend h?ur? ?v?r? d?? in ?n ??hr?m in ?rd?r t? l??rn m?dit?ti?n.F?rg?t ?n? id??? that you h?v? to b? r??ll? “spiritual” (whatever th?t means) t? ?r??ti?? meditation. You d?n’t need ?n? “inn?t? ?bilit?” to b? ?bl? t? meditate, any m?r? than ??u n??d special ??w?r? t? b? able to l??rn to ride a bike ?r t? use a ??m?ut?r.Some ????l? take m?r? n?tur?ll? t? m?dit?ti?n th?n others, but ?n??n? can d? it and benefit fr?m doing it.All it t?k?? i? a littl? ?ff?rt, ?nd th? conviction th?t some thing? are worth persevering with. S?m?tim?? your meditation ?r??ti?? will b? in?t?ntl? rewarding but other tim?? it will ?h?ll?ng? ??u.At those tim?? it’? b??t t? r?m?mb?r th?t wh?n ? ?u ?r? gr?wing flowers, th?r? i? ??m? digging ?nd w??ding t? b? done ?? w?ll.There ?r? many different t???? of meditation ?n? ??n d?, but we will only be t?lking about guided meditation.GUIDED MEDITATION Guid?d M?dit?ti?n i? in gr??t ??rt, a m?d?rn phenomenon. It is ?n easier way t? ?t?rt.The ?r??ti?? ?f m?dit?ti?n r?quir?? some dose ?f determination and will-power.In the past, ????l? th?t were int? meditation w?r? m?r? ??mmitt?d t? it, ?nd also h?d ?tr?ng ideals fu?lling th?ir m?tiv?ti?n. Th?ir lif? w?? simpler, with fewer di?tr??ti?n?.We liv? in v?r? different tim?? now. Our lif? i? busier. Will power i? a less ??mm?n ??r??n?l asset. Di?tr??ti?n? are ?v?r?wh?r?, ?nd m?dit?ti?n i? ?ft?n sought as a m??n? to d?v?l?? b?tt?r h??lth, ?nh?n?? ??rf?rm?n??, ?r im?r?v? ?n???lf.For these reasons, guid?d m?dit?ti?n ??n indeed b? a good w?? t? intr?du?? ??u t? th? practice. On?? you get th? h?ng ?f it, ?nd wish to t?k? your practice to th? n?xt l?v?l. It i? up t? ??u t? d??id? when ??u feel l ik? t?king thi? step.Guid?d M?dit?ti?n i? like ???king with a recipe.It’s a good w?? to ?t?rt, and you can eat the f??d you make lik? thi?.But once ??u und?r?t?nd the m?in principles and fl?v?ur?, ??u can ???k ??ur ?wn di?h.It will h?v? a diff?r?nt, uniqu? t??t?; it will b? t?il?r?d for ??u, and m?r? powerful.And then you will n?t w?nt t? u?? th? r??i?? ?n?m?r? â€" unless if ??u ?r? tr?ing a di?h ?f another ?ui?in?.How do I use guid?d meditation?Guid?d meditation u?u?ll? comes in th? form ?f audio (fil?, ??d???t, CD), ?nd sometimes ?udi? ?nd vid??.You will find that any guid?d m?dit?ti?n will f?ll in ?n? of b?l?w ??t?g?ri?? (with ??m? ?v?rl??, obviously).Tr?diti?n?l M?dit?ti?n?With these t???? ?f ?udi??, th? voice of th? t???h?r i? ?im?l? there to “illu?tr?t?” ?r “guid?” the w?? f?r your ?tt?nti?n, in ?rd?r t? be in a m?dit?tiv? ?t?t?; there i? m?r? silence than v?i?? in it, ?nd ?ft?n n? music.Ex?m?l?? are th? ?n?? ?ff?r?d by Thi?h Nh?t H?nh ?nd T?r? Br??h, whi?h ?r? r??t? d in authentic Buddhi?t ?r??ti???. The purpose i? to d?v?l?? and d????n the ?r??ti?? it??lf, with ?ll the b?n?fit? th?t come with it.Guid?d Im?g?r?Makes u?? of the im?gin?ti?n and visualization ??w?r? ?f th? brain, guiding ??u t? imagine an ?bj??t, ?ntit?, ???n?r? ?r journey. Th? ?ur???? i? usually h??ling ?r relaxation.R?l?x?ti?n Body S??n?This helps ??u ??hi?v? a deep relaxation in your wh?l? b?d?. It’s usually ????m??ni?d b? soothing instrumental mu?i? ?r n?tur? sounds. In Y?g? these ?r? ??ll?d ??g? nidr?. Th? purpose i? r?l?x?ti?n and ??lmn???.Affirm?ti?n?U?u?ll? coupled with r?l?x?ti?n ?nd guided imagery, th? purpose of th??? meditations is to im?rint a m????g? in your mind.Binaural B??t?Bin?ur?l b??t? w?r? ?rigin?ll? di???v?r?d in 1839 by ?h??i?i?t H?inri?h Wilh?lm Dove.He di???v?r?d when ?ign?l? ?f two diff?r?nt frequencies are presented ????r?t?l?, one t? ???h ??r, your brain detects the ?h??? variation b?tw??n th? fr?qu?n?i?? ?nd tri?? t? r???n?il? that diff?r?n??.Thi? i s used to generate ?l?h? waves (10 Hz), whi?h i? th? brain w?v? associated with initi?l l?v?l? ?f meditation. Th?r? i? ??i?ntifi? r????r?h int? wh? ?nd h?w bin?ur?l beats w?rk.While they ?ll have their m?rit?, it is the fir?t t??? th?t most n?tur?ll? ?v?lv?? int? individu?l unguided ?r??ti??.H?r?? wh?t you want in a guid?d m?dit?ti?n f?r b?ginn?r? Sim?l?It? ????ibl? to have a l?t of ??m?l?xit?, or at least ??nfu?i?n, in a guided m?dit?ti?n. There ?r? ?? m?n? different ?t?l?? ?nd ???r???h?? th?t it? ???? t? g?t ?v?rwh?lm?d.S? the b??t thing t? ?t?rt with i? ?n ???r???h th?t is ?? simple ?nd straightforward as possible: ?it up straight, in a qui?t area, ?l??? your ????, ?nd focus ?n ??ur breath.S?und? simple, right? While it i? a ?im?l? approach, it i?nt easy, ?nd th?t? th? ??int, that its ??m?thing th?t ??u can ?r??ti?? ?nd g?t b?tt?r ?t ?v?r tim? (note: ??ull g?t b?tt?r, but youll n?v?r ??rf??t it, whi?h i? wh? itll w?rk f?r so long g?ing f?rw?rd).U?? a guid?d m?dit?ti?n that h?? yo u focused ?n ??ur br??th ?nd nothing more.ShortTheres a l?t ?f emphasis ?n how l?ng ??u ??n m?dit?t? for. But when youre first ?t?rting, it? r??ll? really h?rd t? d? meditation f?r any l?ngth ?f tim?.S? th? k?? i? to ?t?rt small. How ?m?ll? Two minutes is a gr??t starting point.Is it ?n?ugh t? dr??ti??ll? change your life right ?w??? Pr?b?bl? n?t, but th?t? n?t the ??int. Th? ??int is that because its so hard, ??u n??d t? start ?m?ll. Focus l??? on how l?ng ??ur meditation session is, and f??u? m?r? on m?king it a d?il? h?bit.Starting ?m?ll is th? k??, ?nd a g??d guided m?dit?ti?n will h?v? a very ?h?rt v?r?i?n available.Sm?ll in?r?m?nt?In th? ??m? way th?t ??u ?t?rt ?m?ll, ??u ?l?? w?nt t? increase your m?dit?ti?n tim?? b? ?m?ll in?r?m?nt?. Instead ?f jum?ing t? 5, 10 ?r 20 minutes ?ft?r you feel ??u have 2 minutes d?wn, g? t? 4 minut?? th?n 6, 8 and th?n 10. Th?r?? no rush ?r hurr?. Onl? change tim?? once you f??l more th?n comfortable to d? so. In ?dditi?n, h?ving a guid?d medita tion that ?ff?r? th??? gr?du?l increases i? ?ru?i?l.HOW GUIDED MEDITATION WORKSGuid?d m?dit?ti?n i? ?n ?xtr?m?l? ??w?rful w?? of ?li?iting ?h?ng? in ??ur lif?, due t? the nature ?f the way the br?in w?rk?.When ??u ?x??ri?n?? ??m?thing in r??l life ??ur br?in ?h?ng?? it? n?ur?l pathways, and ?????? on thi? inf?rm?ti?n to ??ur ?ub??n??i?u? mind to store f?r futur? u??.F?r ?x?m?l? if you wanted t? b???m? gr??t ?t l??rning l?ngu?g??, ??ur br?in h?? ?lr??d? ?t?r?d ?r?vi?u? ?x??ri?n??? ?f ??u tr?ing t? l??rn a l?ngu?g?.If the ?x??ri?n?? was g??d you will b? b?tt?r ?t l??rning, if your ?x??ri?n?? w?? b?d, the chances ?r? it will b? very difficult t? l??rn a n?w l?ngu?g?.Wh?t guid?d meditation h?l?? t? d? is r??r?gr?m ??ur mind b? directly ??????ing your subconscious mind and give it a n?w, better ?x??ri?n??.Y?ur br?in does not di?tingui?h b?tw??n a r??l event ?nd an im?gin?d ?v?nt. So if ??u im?gin? something in ??ur mind, your br?in t?k?? it th?t ??uv? actually ?x??ri?n??d wh?t you w?r? i magining ?nd forms new n?ur?l ??thw??? t? b? ?t?r?d for future use.Wh?t guid?d m?dit?ti?n d??? i? giv? ??u a new ?nd b?tt?r experience b? h?ving a narrator guide ??u thr?ugh a ???n? in ??ur mind. Th??? scenes are ?lw??? ???itiv? and will ?h?ng? ??ur br?in’? n?ur?l ??thw??? to install a gr??t ?x??ri?n?? for ??u.SESSIONS OF A GOOD GUIDED MEDITATIONR?l?xing Meditative S???i?nIn th? first section ??u will b? given a ??m?l?t? mind and body relaxation session.Thi? will help ??u to reach the meditative ?t?t? required t? ?????? your subconscious mind.Visualization D????n?r S???i?nThis ????i?n will guid?d ??u through a beautiful ???n? in order to strengthen ??ur vi?u?liz?ti?n ?kill?.It will ?l?? allow ??u t? g? d????r int? the m?dit?tiv? ?t?t? in ?r???r?ti?n f?r the n?xt ????i?n.Lif? G??l S???i?nThe last session is wh?r? you will be guid?d thr?ugh a specific scene in ?rd?r t? r???h a d??ir?d g??l in ??ur life.It is h?r? that th? m?gi? r??ll? h????n?, ?nd depending on ??ur goal, ??u will ?t ?rt to ??? r??ult? within a f?w d???.BEST GUIDED MEDITATION YOU WILL EVER NEED FOR A FULFILLED LIFE MEDITATIONDO YOGA WITH MENumber ?f tr??k?: 30Meditation ?t?l??: Loving kindn???, mindfulness, r?l?x?ti?n, ?l???, h??ling, ?nd ?hildr?n.L?ngth: 9 t? 60 minut?? (?v?r?g? 20 minut??).Download: Y??, paid.F?r their collection ?f fr?? ??g? ?l??? videos click Hip Flexor HeavenAl?ng with ??g? videos ?h??k out ??m? stretching routines here, th?? also h?v? a gr??t library of guided m?dit?ti?n tr??k? t??. There’s a wid? r?ng? of styles ?nd high qu?lit? recordings f?r ??u to div? into. Namaste!THE FREE MINDFULNESS PROJECTNumb?r ?f tr??k?: 30M?dit?ti?n ?t?l??: Mindfuln???, h??ling, gratitude, b?d? ???n, m?ving.L?ngth: 3 t? 45 min (?v?r?g? 20 minut??)Download: Yes, download ?nl? (free)Ag?in, m?n? diff?r?nt t???? ?f mindfulness meditation b? various t???h?r?. All tr??k? ?r? free t? download ?nd distribute n?n-??mm?r?i?ll?, which is really cool.One ?light d?wnf?ll is that it d???n’t ???m to b? po ssible to listen to th? m?dit?ti?n tracks ?nlin? â€" ??u h?v? to d?wnl??d them. It ju?t m?k?? ?r?vi?wing the ?udi? slightly more difficult, but it’s r??ll? n?t a big d??l.It’? ?till a solid r???ur??.CHOPRA CENTRED LIFESTYLENumb?r ?f tr??k?: 16Meditation ?t?l??: Mindfuln???, h??ling, gratitude, sleep.Length: 5 t? 60 minutes (?v?r?g? 15 minutes).D?wnl??d: Yep, fr??.Th? Ch??r? ??ntr? is th? br?in?hild ?f D????k Ch??r? ?nd D?vid Sim?n, two MDs with the g??l ?f im?r?ving th? h??lth and w?llb?ing ?f b?d?, mind ?nd ??irit.Am?ng?t other things, the ?it? h??t? a wid? r?ng? ?f meditation ?t?l?? with high quality audio.Th? dud? wh? guid?? ??u through the meditation ??ri?t has a d??? gr?v?ll? v?i??, but ??u get u??d to it after a whil?…UCLA MEDITATIONNumb?r ?f tracks: 8M?dit?ti?n styles: L?ving kindn???, mindfuln???, sleep.Length: 3 â€" 12 minut??.Download: Yes, fr??.Sim?l? ?nd ?l??r: Most m?dit?ti?n? tracks ?r? ?r?tt? ?h?rt, but that’s ideal for b?ginn?r? wh? ?r? ju?t g?tting int? form ing the meditation habit.A side note: It’? really ???l to see univ?r?iti?? recognising th? b?n?fit? ?f meditation and mindfulness! D?finit?l? a ?t?? in th? right dir??ti?nFRAGRANT HEARTNumb?r of tr??k?: 50M?dit?ti?n ?t?l??: L?ving kindn???, mindfuln???, f?rgiv?n???, ?l???, m?ntr?, healing, ?hildr?n.L?ngth: 1 â€" 30 minutes (?v?r?g? 15 minutes).Download: Yes, paid.The tracks ?r? ????r?t?d int? clear ??t?g?ri??, with l?t? of different ?t?l??. Each m?dit?ti?n i? available with ?r without b??kgr?und music t??, whi?h i? a ni?? touch.S?m? tr??k? ?r? ?? ?h?rt as a minut?, whi?h i? gr??t for b?ginn?r?, and th?? ?l?? ?r?vid? a fr?? guid?d m?dit?ti?n course t??.TARA BRACHNumb?r ?f tr??k?: 100+M?dit?ti?n ?t?l??: L?ving kindn???, mindfulness, f?rgiv?n???, sleep.L?ngth: 10 â€" 40 minut??. (?v?r?g? 25 minut??).D?wnl??d: Y??, free.T?r? h?? a massive libr?r? ?f ?t l???t a hundred guided m?dit?ti?n tr??k? t? keep ??u going, various ?t?l??, with a n?w one added ???h week.Th? site is really u??r-fri ?ndl?, ?nd the tr??k? ?r? ?ll good quality t??. N? mu?i?, just a calming v?i?? guiding you through.Nice ?nd ?im?l?.MEDITATION OASISNumb?r of tr??k?: 50Meditation ?t?l??: Mindfulness, r?l?x?ti?n, h??ling, loving kindn???, ?l???.Length: 8 t? 25 minut?? (average 18 minut??).Download: Y??, free.On? of the most ???ul?r meditation podcast ?n iTunes right n?w.It’? n?t u?d?t?d ?ll th?t regularly, but there’s still ?l?nt? ?f episodes in the catalogue to w?rk ??ur w?? through.Ag?in, there’s a wide v?ri?t? ?f meditation styles ?v?il?bl?. Th? ‘h??lth? b?d?’ meditation is a g??d ?n? to w?rk u? to.THE MEDITATION PODCASTNumber ?f tr??k?: 28Meditation ?t?l??: Mindfuln???, r?l?x?ti?n, healing, grief, ?l???.Length: 8 to 25 minut?? (?v?r?g? 20 minut??)D?wnl??d: Y??, fr??An?th?r great podcast with l?t? ?f diff?r?nt m?dit?ti?n ?t?l?? t? choose fr?m, ?nd ?ll ?r? fr?? t? download.H??d?h?n?? are recommended wh?n li?t?ning, b???u?? th? tr??k? ?r? layered over binaural b??t?, whi?h ?ff??t ??ur br?i nw?v?? ?nd m?k? you ?xtr? mindful.Gr??v?.AUDIO DHARMANumb?r of tr??k?: 40M?dit?ti?n styles: Mindfuln???, r?l?x?ti?n, l?ving kindn???, b?d? ???n.L?ngth: 5 to 50 minut?? (?v?r?g? 20 minut??)D?wnl??d: Yes, fr??Audi? Dh?rm? i? a massive resource, with around forty fr?? guid?d m?dit?ti?n? ?v?il?bl? fr?m a v?ri?t? ?f t???h?r?, ?? w?ll as a ?h?d load ?f int?r??ting t?lk? and vid??? on mindfuln???.They also h?v? a pretty g??d ??d???t, if ??u’r? a f?n ?f li?t?ning ?n th? m?v?.W?ll worth ?h??king ?ut if ??u r??ll? want to dig int? m?n? diff?r?nt m?dit?ti?n styles, ?nd t?k? your mindfuln??? game to the n?xt l?v?l.CALMNumb?r of tr??k?: 5M?dit?ti?n ?t?l??: Mindfulness, calming.L?ngth: 5 t? 20 minutesDownload: Yes (on m?bil?)C?lm.??m i? a bit different t? th? r??t ?f th? ?it??.You ??n ?ith?r ?h???? th? simple guided m?dit?ti?n? (which r?ng? fr?m 2 t? 20 minut??) ?r g? ??l? ?nd use th? m?dit?ti?n timer. Y?u also get to select your b??kgr?und n?i?? fr?m a range ?f n?tur?l ?nvir?nm?nt?.C?lm i? ?v? il?bl? ?nlin?, ?r ?? ?n ??? for your Apple ?r Andr?id d?vi???.HEADSPACENumb?r of tr??k?: 10 (100? in ??id version)Meditation ?t?l??: Mindfuln???, r?l?x?ti?n, loving kindn???, b?d? ???n, ?tr???, anxiety, productivity, healing.L?ngth: 10 minutes (10 â€" 60 minutes in paid v?r?i?n)Download: Y??D?v?l???d b? f?rm?r buddhi?t m?nk Andy Puddi??mb?, ?nd hi? bu?in??? ??rtn?r Ri?h Pi?r??n, Headspace i? the m?dit?ti?n ??? ?nd w?b?it? taking th? mindfuln??? w?rld b? storm.Th? t?n d?? ‘Take T?n’ ??ri?? i? free to tr? ?ut, but ?ft?r th?t it’? a ???rl? subscription f??.DHARMA SEEDNumb?r ?f tracks: 1000?Meditation ?t?l??: Ev?r?thing.Length: 5 t? 120 minutesDownload: Y??, freeIt’? ?n in?r?dibl? r???ur??, with lit?r?ll? th?u??nd? free guid?d m?dit?ti?n tracks ?nd talks fr?m teachers fr?m ?ll around th? w?rld.I’v? n?t d?lv?d t?? deep int? th? libr?r? ??t, but from wh?t I’ve h??rd ?? far, it’s a gr??t site with a ?h?d l??d of u??ful content.FR?? MINDFULN??? A??? OF GUID?D M?DIT?TI?N W?RTH? ?F Y?UR ATT?NTI?N1) In?ight Tim?rAvailable for iOS and Andr?idIn?ight Timer i? ?n? ?f th? most popular fr?? m?dit?ti?n apps out th?r?, ?nd it’s ???? t? ??? why. The ??? f??tur?? m?r? than 4,000 guid?d m?dit?ti?n? fr?m ?v?r 1,000 teachersâ€"on t??i?? like ??lf-??m????i?n, nature, and ?tr???â€"?lu? t?lk? ?nd ??d???t?. If ??u prefer a quieter m?dit?ti?n, you can always ??t a tim?r ?nd m?dit?t? t? int?rmitt?nt b?ll? ?r ??lming ?mbi?nt n?i??.Right fr?m th? b?ginning, the ??? feels lik? a ??mmunit?; th? h?m? screen ?nn?un???, “3,045 meditating right n?w / Home to 1,754,800 m?dit?t?r?.” Aft?r ??u fini?h a meditation, ??u’ll learn ?x??tl? how m?n? ????l? w?r? m?dit?ting “with ??u” during that tim?; b? ??tting ??ur l???ti?n, ??u ??n even ??? m?dit?t?r? n??rb? ?nd what th??’r? listening to.D???it? it? ?xt?n?iv? ??ll??ti?n, In?ight Tim?r d???n’t ?h?w ??u a list ?f t???h?r?â€"whi?h w?uld b? h?l?ful, especially since they feature ?x??rt? like J??k K?rnfi?ld, Tara Brach, ?nd Sh?r ?n Salzberg. And Insight Timer d???n’t r???mm?nd ?t??-b?-?t?? ??qu?n??? of m?dit?ti?n? to f?ll?w; it’? m?r? lik? a buffet. But these dr?wb??k? h?rdl? m?tt?r in th? f??? ?f ?ll th? t?m?ting ?h?i???.2) AuraAv?il?bl? f?r iOS ?nd AndroidAur? is a m?dit?ti?n ??? with a ?im?l? ?r?mi??: Ev?r? d??, you g?t a new, ??r??n?liz?d, thr??-minut? m?dit?ti?n. Th? ??m? m?dit?ti?n n?v?r r????t?; ????rding t? ??f?und?r Daniel L??, Aur?’? t???h?r? are constantly recording n?w tr??k?.To personalize the experience, Aura initi?ll? asks ?b?ut ??ur ?g? ?nd how stressed, ??timi?ti?, and int?r??t?d in mindfuln??? you ?r?. The daily m?dit?ti?n that ?????r? ?l?? d???nd? ?n your m??d: If ??u’r? feeling gr??t, Aur? might ?ugg??t “Y?ur Brilli?nt H??rt;” ??l??t ?tr????d, ?nd you might get “Y?u H?v? th? P?w?r.” If you lik? the d??’? m?dit?ti?n, ??u can ??v? it to your library for l?t?r li?t?ning.Aur? ?l?im? t? t?rg?t ?tr???, ?nxi?t?, ?nd d??r???i?n. If a ?h?rt m?dit?ti?n i?n’t enough, you ??n als o li?t?n t? relaxing ??und? ?r try their Mindful Breather f??tur?, wh?r? ??u ??n?hr?niz? ??ur breath t? ?n animated ?ir?l? that g?ntl? ?x??nd? and ??ntr??t?â€"?ur?ri?ingl? ?ff??tiv?. Th? h?m? screen ?n??ur?g?? ??u t? j?t down ??m?thing ??u’r? grateful f?r, another tool f?r w?ll-b?ing.Aura i? straightforward ?nd sparse, but th?t’? ??rt of th? b??ut?. Particularly if ??u’r? ju?t g?tting started, ?r ??u d?n’t h?v? l?t? of tim? to meditate, th? ?im?li?it? of ?n? m?dit?ti?n a d?? ??uld b? just wh?t ??u n??d.3) OmvanaAvailable f?r iOS ?nd Andr?idSl??k ?nd im?g?-h??v?, Omv?n? i? a b??utiful m?dit?ti?n app ?r??t?d by ??r??n?l growth company Mindv?ll??. It? libr?r? ??nt?in? th?u??nd? ?f meditations, ?nd about 75 of th??? are fr??, fr?m “L???r Focus” t? “C?t’? Purr.”A???rding to ??f?und?r Vi?h?n L?khi?ni, ?b?ut 50,000 people ?r?und th? world meditate to their popular “6 Ph??? M?dit?ti?n” every m?rning, which i? r???mm?nd?d f?r intermediate ?r??titi?n?r?. (B?ginn?r? ?r? ? n??ur?g?d to start with an eight-minute “D?? 1” ????i?n.) The “6 Ph??? Meditation” guid?? you through different practices ?v?r th? ??ur?? ?f 20 minut??, including f?rgiv?n???, gr?titud?, ?nd connection.When you first d?wnl??d Omv?n?, ??ur libr?r? in?lud?? ?b?ut 10 m?dit?ti?n?; to add m?r?, it’? n??????r? to n?vig?t? ?v?r t? the ?t?r?, and th?n ?li?k ?n Top Tr??k? Fr?? ?r C?t?g?ri?? All fr??. On?? ??u find a m?dit?ti?n ??u like, clicking the “Free” butt?n will ?dd the track t? your library.Like In?ight Timer, Omv?n? i? m?r? of a grab b?g th?n a guid?d learning ?x??ri?n??. And mu?h ?f its libr?r? is ?ff-limit? t? the fr?? u??r. But if you’re l??king for a ??lid m?rning meditation, ?r ??u’r? ?v?rwh?lm?d by all th? ?h?i?? ?n In?ight Tim?r, you might ?nj?? Omvana.4) St??, Breathe ThinkAvailable f?r iOS ?nd AndroidIf ?th?r meditation ???? expect ??u t? div? right in, St??, Breathe Think w?nt? to help you g?t acquainted with mindfulness first. A section called L??rn t o M?dit?t? ?x?l?in? what mindfuln??? is, wh? it’? beneficial, ?nd wh?t to ?x???t wh?n ??u ?r??? ?l?? on ??ur fir?t tr??k. It ?v?n ??v?r? ??m? of th? n?ur???i?n?? ?f mindfulness ?nd th? physiology ?f ?tr???, in ???? you’re ?till ?k??ti??l.Th?n, it’? time t? g?t started. Stop, Br??th? Think f??tur?? n??rl? 30 fr?? sessions, many ?f whi?h ??m? in different lengths (?nd different v?i???â€"fr?m ?l??id J?mi? t? fri?ndl? Gr????). M??t of th?m ?r? short, u? to 11 minut??, ?nd ??u ??n ?h???? to w?rk ?r?und themes lik? Br??th?, C?nn??t with Y?ur Body, ?r B? Kind. Or, ?im?l? ??t a m?dit?ti?n tim?r and find calm ?mid th? ?il?n?? ?r r?l?xing f?r??t sounds.A ?r?gr??? page keeps track of h?w m?n? days you’ve m?dit?t?d in a r?w ?nd ??ur ?m?ti?n?, which ??u ??n record b?f?r? ?nd after ???h m?dit?ti?n. Plus, ??u can earn cute stickers: A? a n?wbi?, I’v? ??ll??t?d “G??d Start” ?nd “Tick T??k ?f Pr???n??.” St??, Br??th? Think i? ideal f?r ????l? who need ??m? m?r? structure ?nd m?ti v?ti?n t? jum??t?rt th?ir meditation h?bit.5) C?lmAv?il?bl? f?r iOS ?nd Andr?idThe m?m?nt ??u open th? C?lm ???, ??u might f??l a sense ?f…??lm. R?l?xing sounds ?f falling r?in ?l?? ?ut?m?ti??ll? in th? b??kgr?und, but ??u could ?l?? opt t? b? greeted by a ?r??kling fireplace, ?ri?k?t?, or something ??ll?d “??l??ti?l whit? n?i??.”Th? r?l?x?ti?n ??ntinu?? with Calm’s fr?? meditations, a ?m?ll?r selection th?n ??v?r?l of th? apps ?b?v?â€"16 in t?t?l, some ?f whi?h ??m? in diff?r?nt l?ngth?, fr?m 3-30 minutes. Y?u ??n start ?ff with 7 Days ?f Calm, or tr? th?ir sessions ?n L?ving-Kindn???, Forgiveness, or th? B?d? Scan. Plus, lik? m?n? ?th?r ????, ??u ??n ??t a timer for ?il?nt m?dit?ti?n ?r m?dit?t? t? int?rmitt?nt b?ll?. F?r night-tim? r?l?x?ti?n, Calm features f?ur fr?? “sleep stories”: b?dtim? ?t?ri?? for ?dult? ?n ?v?r?thing from science fiction to scenic l?nd?????? t? h?l? ??u tr?n?iti?n int? ?lumb?r.Unf?rtun?t?l?, ??m? of th? most int?r??ting-??unding sessions, lik? C?mmuting ?nd Emergency C?lm, ?r? l??k?d unl??? ??u ?ub??rib?. (Calm’s ?ub??ri?ti?n ???t? $4.99 per m?nth wh?n you buy a ???râ€"?n? ?f the ?h?????t ?ut there if ??u d??id? to make the investment.)CONCLUSIONEv?r??n? needs guid?n?? in meditation wh?th?r you ?it in fr?nt ?f th? teacher in a gr?u? whil? th?? give ??u instructions or wh?th?r ??u get instructions fir?t ?nd th?n go ?w?? t? meditate.It i? im??rt?nt t? kn?w ?x??tl? what ??u’r? d?ing and wh? ??u ?r? d?ing it.Within most of th? ???t?rn wi?d?m traditions, h?ving a teacher w?? vit?ll? im??rt?nt to g?t the ?r???r guidance fr?m ??m??n? wh? h?d experienced th? various l?v?l? ?f meditative realisation and th?r?f?r? kn?w wh?t t? tell ????l? ?b?ut th?m.It i? im??rt?nt t? find a teacher wh? h?? ??tu?l ?x??ri?n?? f?r themselves ?nd not just ?tudi?d th? b??k? of f?rm?r m??t?r?.Ju?t lik? if you w?nt t? vi?it a ??untr? th?t you h?d n?v?r been to b?f?r?, th? b??t ??r??n t? guid? ??u would b? someone who frequently tr?v?ll?d th?r? themse lves ?nd h?d ?xt?n?iv? kn?wl?dg? ?f the ?l???.This i? wh? guid?d meditation has been ?? successful over th? years, th?? serve ?? guid?? ?? ??u d?n’t w?lk ?l?n?.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Prevention Of The Spreading Of Emerging Infectious Disease

Prevention of the Spreading of Emerging Infectious Disease in the Nursing Field A growing body of research on the spread of infectious diseases indicates the importance and relevance of this topic to the world of nursing. Researchers and educators are interested in specific variables that help to prevent the spread of emerging infectious diseases (EIDs) in relation to nursing. EIDs may be defined as new, re-emerging, drug-resistant infections whose incidence in humans has increased within the past 20 years, or whose incidence threatens to increase in the near future (Mied). The problem of the spread of these infections may be the most important and necessary area of research when concerned with nursing. The purpose is to provide†¦show more content†¦Nurses never want their patients to die, for it is their job to save this, and not being able to do this is a let-down. In order to prevent spread of infectious diseases, medical officials should be able to know why EIDs occur, a nd why they spread. Some factors that contribute to the emergence and spread of infectious diseases are physical factors, genetic, ecological, social, political, and economic factors. Human demographics, behavior, sanitation, human interaction with wildlife in natural habitats, climate, and weather also lead to the contribution of the spread of these diseases (Mied). When EIDs occur, the victims are usually placed into temporary settlements or camps with inadequate safe water and sanitation, and increased exposure to disease vectors during the acute phase of the emergency (Gayer et al.). This can increase the spread of these diseases, and the goal is to stop the spread. Not having safe water or poor hygiene can cause diarrhoeal diseases. If not suddenly treated, these diseases can be deadly in emergency situations. Climate can also affect spread of diseases in many different ways. â€Å"Flooding after heavy rains can result in sewage overflow and widespread water contamination† (â€Å"No Authors†) Studies show that pathogens can spread through wind as well. Human demographics such as population growth, migration, sexual behavior, and drug use are

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Gothic Cinema And The Movie The Conjuring - 1611 Words

In life, some people prefer to watch movies, and some people prefer to read books. Then there are some who love both movies and books. However, when one genre is portrayed in cinema and in literature, it is easy to compare the two. Are they complementary or are they in opposition to each other? In terms of gothic cinema and literature, they are both complementary to one another. In the two movies, The Conjuring and The Skeleton Key, gothic cinema proves to go hand in hand with the style of textual gothic and they both show to have a strong aesthetic force. In the pieces of gothic literature, â€Å"The Falls,† â€Å"The Book of Blood,† and â€Å"Amityville Horror,† they are all very strong gothic pieces which all have a strong aesthetic force. In the movie, â€Å"The Conjuring,† gothic cinema proves to go hand in hand with the style of textual gothic and it has a strong aesthetic force. In this movie, it portrays many aspects of traditional gothic literatur e. For example, the element of the supernatural is the main part of this movie. By making the center of this movie about supernatural occurrences, it goes hand in hand with textual gothic. In textual gothic, there is almost always some type of supernatural element, even if it is as small as in The Castle of Otranto. However, instead of having a small supernatural element, The Conjuring provides the audience with extremely terrifying and real supernatural components. For example, one terrifying moment in this movie is when the daughter, Nancy,Show MoreRelatedLiterary Origins, Cultural Relevance, And Documentary Techniques2930 Words   |  12 PagesRebecca Holland Visual Anthropology Dracula and Friends - Literary Origins, Cultural Relevance, and Documentary Techniques in the Cinematic Space of the American Vampire Film Beginning with a debut in American cinema in 1927 (1), the vampire has enjoyed a long and illustrious cinematic sojourn that has tracked a number of changes in his or her appearance, demeanor, personality, style of undeath, and relationship to humankind. At first an intimate invader, then a source of terror to be loathed

Research on Pulau Ubin in Singapore Free Essays

HH2001 Singapore: The Making of A Cosmopolitan City-State Research Paper Ong Wei Xiu Janine U1230453D Introduction The purpose of this essay is to find out how Pulau Ubin played a significant role in the development of Singapore since the late 1800s until today. I shall begin by giving a brief introduction of Pulau Ubin and go on to elaborate about how the island played a significant role in helping Singapore’s development in various aspects. This topic shall be investigated according to two main categories – granite quarrying and adventure island. We will write a custom essay sample on Research on Pulau Ubin in Singapore or any similar topic only for you Order Now I will then conclude the essay by commenting about whether Pulau Ubin will continue to play a significant role in Singapore’s development in the near future. Brief Introduction On Pulau Ubin Shaped like a boomerang, Pulau Ubin is the second largest offshore island of Singapore. Measuring a distance of about 7 kilometres across and about 2 kilometres at its breadth with area of around 10 square kilometres, the island lies towards the northeast of the city-state in the Straits of Johor. It is a stone island mainly â€Å"composed of igneous rocks of granite that are believed to be more than 200 million years old. † Since the founding of Singapore by the British, the island has been known for its vast resource of granite. The first two lighthouses of the country were built with granite from Pulau Ubin. Subsequently, granite was fashioned for various purposes throughout the city-state’s history, including the building of the iconic HDB flats on mainland Singapore. The exposure to sea, abandoned quarry lakes and secondary forests make Pulau Ubin a â€Å"natural choice for training†. The trend of adventure training on the island took flight when the Outward Bound School set up its first site on the island while answering the government’s call for the creation of a â€Å"rugged society† that could withstand the rigours of sudden nationhood in 1967. Other adventure campsites and facilities were later developed around the island to cater to the needs of outdoor adventure enthusiasts. Granite Quarrying After the British founded Singapore, vast amounts of granite were found on Pulau Ubin. Works began in 1848 to extract the granite for building Singapore’s first lighthouse located in Pedra Branca, a small island 56 kilometres to the east of mainland Singapore. Captain James Horsburgh, a hydrographer who surveyed and chartered seaways and large bodies of water, realised that as Pedra Branca was a small rocky island that was not easily recognizable from a distance and it made the island a hazard for ships passing by. Hence, John Turnbull Thomson, a British civil engineer, built the Horsburgh Lighthouse (named after Captain James Horsburgh) in 1847 using bricks and mortar. However, it was not strong enough and could not last. Thomson then turned his eyes onto the granite stones of Pulau Ubin and had it fashioned in 1848 by stonebreakers and cutters to be used for the construction of the lighthouse. This helped Singapore to also claim ownership of the island that was often disputed for by the surrounding region. Subsequently, a second lighthouse located in Pulau Satumu, the Raffles Lighthouse, was also built using granite from Pulau Ubin to mark the southernmost tip of Singapore’s territory. It proved to be of huge importance as it served as a safety marker for â€Å"one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes† in the â€Å"narrowest section of the Singapore Strait. Apart from these two lighthouses that helped to mark out significant territorial points of Singapore, the granite from Pulau Ubin was also used for the construction of the Causeway between Singapore and Malaysia over a pan of 5 years from 1919. With more quarrying works to be done because of the large amount of granite needed by the British to build infrastructure on mainland Singapore, population started to rise on Pulau Ubin. Soon, the island became a major supplier of granite for the building industry. The local Malays also tapped onto the resources and started â€Å"selling polished granite slabs, stone t ombs and granite grinders. † The British constantly saw the need for an in-depth study about the vast amounts of granite that could be extracted for construction and roadworks. They eventually came up with a â€Å"[r]eport on the availability of granite on Singapore and the surrounding islands† in 1950 to find out exactly where and how much granite could be extracted on the various parts of Singapore (of which, more than twice the number of areas identified were from Pulau Ubin). There are a total of five granite quarries on Pulau Ubin. Despite having quarries like Aik Hwa Granite Quarry which produced about 160 to 180 tonnes of granite per month and support up to 40 percent of what was needed for the construction works in Singapore, there was a shortage in granite supply in the early 1990s. This caused the granite suppliers to think of ways to increase their productivity. Resources Development Corportation (RDC), one of the quarries on Pulau Ubin, even looked into installing a new crusher plant. Eventually, all the quarries on Pulau Ubin and mainland Singapore was made to close down by the Public Works Department (PWD) in order to protect the natural environment as well as to free up the land â€Å"for better economic use. † Adventure Island In 1967, Dr Goh Keng Swee, the then-Minister for Defence and Interior asked for the setting up of an Outward Bound School (OBS) to build a â€Å"rugged society† in light of the challenges faced by a young nation that was just denied of being a part of a large domestic market. By putting participants through trainings on land and at sea, OBS hoped to train and help them to realize the value in themselves and others, as well as discover their strengths in order to be free from fear and self-doubt. The ‘rugged nature’ of the wild terrains on Pulau Ubin was a natural choice for it to become an optimal site for OBS. Having the capacity to train 23,000 people (comprising children, youths and adults) a year and having been â€Å"pivotal in the training of young Singaporeans to meet the changing needs of society†, OBS has made an impact in the nation of Singapore through running its range of programmes on its two Pulau Ubin campsites. Apart from bringing out the best in the people of Singapore, the experience of training in OBS was also vital in training budding leaders of the country. Singapore’s current Prime Minister, Lee Hsien Loong (the son of the then-Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew), had much to testify for when he spoke of his fond memories of how he blended in with everyone else, realized that he could â€Å"push himself to the limit, and do things [he] never thought he could do† during an OBS’ course back in 1967. He went on to praise the OBS for being â€Å"one of the best Outward Bound centres in the world†. All these could not have been possible, if not for the initial efforts of volunteers who passionately set up the logistics and ran the courses ceaselessly on Pulau Ubin. The Ministry of Education (MOE) also realized how Pulau Ubin was an ideal location to place two major campsites for promoting a rugged lifestyle in training student cadets from National Cadet Corps (NCC) and National Police Cadet Corps (NPCC). Dr Tay Eng Soon, the Senior Minister of State (Education) then, announced the plans to build these two sites back in 1990, citing that the reason for doing so was to get children â€Å"out of their flats and come closer into contact with nature, as Singapore is now highly urbanised. † The government had plans of developing Pulau Ubin as an â€Å"Adventure Island† since 1990. The island was suitable in supporting an array of outdoor activities, residential amenities and adventure facilities while putting disturbance to the natural environment to the minimum. Singaporeans have also demonstrated an interest towards a life of adventure on the island of Pulau Ubin, creating a kind of ‘top of mind awareness’ about the island being the iconic site for adventure-enthusiasts currently and in the future. Conclusion Having put down its status as one of the major granite suppliers for Singapore since the 1990s, Pulau Ubin has transformed its image from being an island that churns out tonnes of granite for construction on the mainland to being an ideal sanctuary away from the bustling city with a holistic variety of adventure activities waiting to engage the city dwellers of all ages. Whether it is the experience of being a part of the nation-building process during the heydays of granite quarrying or the memories forged by having attended various camps and outdoor activities conducted on the island, Pulau Ubin seems to have played a significant role in the development and progress of Singapore as a nation, as well as in the hearts and minds of Singaporeans in general. However, the future of Pulau Ubin may not be anything like its past. In the government’s concept plan presented in the parliament, there seems to be plans of linking Pulau Ubin to the mainland through MRT line extensions as well as developing the island in light of the situation of land scarcity on mainland Singapore. Though these were just some of the hints gathered from a book by the Government’s Concept Plan back in the 1990s, one cannot deny that Pulau Ubin has always maintained an important status in the minds of the state’s planners, and will probably always be, in the years to come. Reference: The Causeway, A Great Engineering Work Completed.. † The Straits Times, June 27, 1924. Alexander, FES. Report on the availability of granite on Singapore and the surrounding islands. Singapore: Government Publications Bureau, 1950. Chua, Ee Kiam. Pulau Ubin: Ours to Treasure. Singapore: Simply Green, 2000. Boonzaier, Jonathan. â€Å"Raffles remains beacon of light in Singapore Strait. † Trade Winds, April 13, 2013. Yum, S hoen Liang. â€Å"Govt should study further its plan for Ubin and Tekong. † The Straits Times, The Sunday Times edition, sec. Forum, March 02, 1991. â€Å"Granite quarry owners seek to resume blasting. † The Business Times, June 18, 1990. â€Å"Granite suppliers step up production to meet demand.. † The Business Times, , sec. Business Times Singapore, September 13, 1990. â€Å"Keep Ubin as it is, says Chok Tong after touring ‘Adventure Island’. † The Straits Times, The Sunday Times edition, October 09, 1990. â€Å"Long-term development plans for Tekong and Ubin revealed. † The Straits Times, The Sunday Times edition, sec. Home, February 25, 1991. Of Courage and Character. Outward Bound Singapore: The first 40 years. Singapore: People’s Association, 2007. â€Å"Two big campsites to promote the rugged life on the cards. † The Straits Times, The Sunday Times edition, sec. Home, June 01, 1990. Waller, Edmund. Landscape planning in Singapore. Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2001. http://books. google. com. sg/books? id=L5kLBHwUwfEC;pg=PA48;lpg=PA48;dq=hdb quarry;source=bl;ots=EEUo_IR_5h;sig=twpNwCT89Xnc30TpJrtKsk3zxxI;hl=en;sa=X;ei=d8dqUbvvMu-ViQeC8oD4DA How to cite Research on Pulau Ubin in Singapore, Essays

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Columbian Exchange And World History Essay Example For Students

The Columbian Exchange And World History Essay The Columbian Exchange was one of the most influential periods of time in American and world history. Food, plants, animals, metals and a numerous amount of diseases were all brought forth into the New and Old Worlds. The amount of goods and services that were sold and transferred during the years of the Columbian Exchange were uncalculatable. A lot of global change erected from the Columbian Exchange and with the exchange came a never ending connection between the Old and New Worlds that ran deeper than the ocean they had to travel across. There were many new cultural, social, political, and economic connections that were made between the Americas and the Caribbean to Europe, Asia, and Africa. We will write a custom essay on The Columbian Exchange And World History specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now People of different upbringings told stories. People of different backgrounds shared laughs. People of different views put their differences aside. People of different classes came forth to pursue the same thing: profit. The Columbian Exchange, as Crosby called it, is the reason there are tomatoes in Italy, oranges in the United States, chocolates in Switzerland, and chili peppers in Thailand. To ecologists, the Columbian Exchange is arguably the most important event since the death of the dinosaurs (Mann 6). When the new settlers came into the New World, they had no idea what major impact the Columbian Exchange was soon to bring to both worlds.Cristopher Columbus was a very experienced sailor and had taken a number of trips before he sailed west on his most famous voyage. He had gone to many different countries, asking the rulers to sponsor him on his quest to Asia. Spain had finally granted him his request and they gave him three smallish ships. Contrary to popular believe, Columbus, like the majority of the world, knew the world was rou. . ru, were where a significant amount of the silver was coming out of and New Granada, Viceroyalty of Granada, was where most of the gold was coming from. The Americas were regulating 181 tons of gold and 16,000 tons of silver. With that said, between 1600-1650, sugar production, along with cotton, indigo, and rice, was 90-95% of the economy. The impact that the Columbian Exchange had on the economy was something the world will never see again.The Columbian Exchange’s effects are still felt today. It was one of the most, if not the most, significant events in the history of the New and Old Worlds socially, culturally, politically and economically. It globalized the entire world and today’s culture would be completely different without the Columbian Exchange. There will never be another event that will have as big as an impact on the world then the Columbian Exchange.